How Can A Public Adjuster Helps Homeowners With Their Roof Insurance Claims

When severe damage occurs to your roof, it can be difficult to figure out what to do next. Should you call your insurance agency? How are you going to fix it? How much is it going to cost you? All these questions are going to need answers, but it may be difficult to figure it out all by yourself. That’s where a public adjuster can help. In this article, Quality Roofing Pro will explain how a public adjuster can help you with your roof insurance claims. 

Key Takeaways:

A public adjuster can help a homeowner file a claim on their roof and make sure that they get a fair settlement.

  • A public adjuster is someone who works on behalf of the policyholder to make sure that they get a fair settlement from the insurance agency. 
  • They will help you throughout the claim process, and they will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. 
  • There are several reasons that you should hire a public adjuster including if the claim is extensive, your original claim was denied, or it is a large claim. 
  • When you do hire a public adjuster, several benefits can occur like getting a higher settlement and saving time.

What is a public adjuster?

A public adjuster is someone that you will hire after your roof has experienced roofing damage. In most states, adjusters are required to have a license and ongoing training to ensure that they are up to date on state requirements. Public adjusters are different from other types of adjusters because they work for the policyholder, not the insurance agency or roofing company. This means that they will try and help you get the best settlement, while they help you through the process of filing a claim for roof damage. Overall, public adjusters work for the policyholder which means that they have a deep understanding of the insurance claims process, which will allow them to help you get the best settlement. 

What is the role of a public adjuster?

The role of the public adjuster is to help the policyholder through the insurance claims process, so they will get the best settlement possible. When you first hire a public insurance adjuster, they will review your insurance policy to better understand what will be relevant to your claim. 

They will then go through the next several steps that are necessary to file an insurance claim. The first step will be assessing and documenting the damage. This means that they will visit your property to inspect all of the damage, both seen and unseen, so they will have an accurate understanding of the damage. Once they have done this, they will document the damage by taking photographs, videos, and writing descriptions. This will allow them to file a complete and accurate claim with your insurance provider. 

Once they have filed the claim, they will then begin negotiating with your insurance provider. They do this on your behalf to make sure that the damages are properly assessed and that you get a fair settlement. This means that they will advocate for you, making sure that you get the best payout possible from your claims. A public adjuster is there to make sure you are properly compensated for the damages done to your roof. 

When should a homeowner hire a public adjuster?

There are multiple different reasons a homeowner may consider hiring a public adjuster. These different reasons can include:

  1. If your insurance claim is denied or underpaid then you should consider hiring a public adjuster. They will work to renegotiate a better settlement for you by reviewing the claim and identifying any missing or undervalued damages in it. 
  2. If your insurance claim is overly complex, it may be time to hire a public adjuster. When the damage to your roof and home is extensive, it can become difficult to know how to properly file a claim. A public adjuster will help you differentiate between the types of damages done and file them so you can provide a more accurate and comprehensive claim to your insurance provider. 
  3. When a claim is going to be large, you should hire a public adjuster. This is especially true when it comes to commercial or high-value properties. They will work to make sure that the settlement that you get is enough to provide proper compensation for the property. 

A public adjuster is there to make sure that you get a fair settlement from your insurance provider. In certain instances, whether it be because of how extensive the damage is or because of time constraints you should consider hiring a public adjuster. They are there to help you. 

What are the benefits of working with a public adjuster?

There are a lot of advantages to working with a public adjuster that makes it sensible to hire one. These different benefits can include: 

  1. They will most likely help you get a larger settlement from your insurance provider. A public adjuster often has years of experience helping people with their insurance, this means that they know how to get you a more generous payout from your insurance agency. 
  2. A public adjuster will be able to save you time. Filing a claim with your insurance agency can be a lengthy and time-consuming process, and it can get overwhelming. When you hire a public adjuster, you are able to avoid this hassle as they will do it for you. 
  3. A public adjuster can help level the playing field with your insurance provider as well. Your insurance agency will most likely have an adjuster working for them as well as several lawyers, when you hire a public adjuster, you are ensuring that there is someone advocating for you. This can be critical when you are trying to reach a fair settlement with your insurance provider. 

When you hire a public adjuster, you are hiring someone that is advocating for you during the insurance claim process. They are there to make sure you are getting a fair settlement from the insurance agency. 

At Quality Roofing Pro, we understand that getting repairs or a roof replacement can be a stressful experience for anyone. We’re here to help you whether it be the physical repairs to your roof, filing an insurance claim, or just walking you through the process of getting your roof repaired. So call us now at (309) 371-4436 or visit our website to see how we can help you!

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