The 5 Most Important Roof Maintenance For Homeowners

roof maintenance for homeowners

Your home is more than an address. Your home is a haven for your family today and an investment for your future. Quality Roofing Pro understands that maintaining your house is vital to protect your investment. That is why it is essential for homeowners to examine their roofs for damage, wear and tear regularly. In this article, Quality Roofing Pro suggests homeowners remember the top 5 roof maintenance tips to extend the life of their roof and protect their family.

Key Takeaways:

Home maintenance can feel overwhelming but when it comes to protecting your roof Quality Roofing Pro suggests these 5 most important roofing maintenance tips:

  1. Keep gutters inspected and cleaned of any debris.
  2. Trim trees to avoid damage from fallen limbs.
  3. Address any leaks as soon as they are discovered.
  4. Depending on your roofing materials a sealant may protect and extend the life of your roof.
  5. Schedule regular roof inspections to identify any problems as early as possible or after a damaging storm. 

Clean Gutters to Protect Your Roof

Of all the home maintenance jobs cleaning gutters is one of the most unpopular tasks. Homeowners need help with ladders and collecting debris making the job difficult and unpleasant. However, gutters play a crucial role in directing water away from your roof and foundation. Keeping gutters clean helps protect and extend the life of your roof.

Trim Trees Away from Your Roof

An important factor in protecting your roof is tree maintenance. Overhanging limbs can damage your roof when they rub against and wear down your shingles or if, during a storm fall on your roof. Scheduling tree trimming to keep your roof clear can help prevent damage to your roof.

Address Leaks 

It may be tempting to find a small leak and think it is insignificant. This is not true. Small leaks will find a way to turn into big leaks and big damage if left unaddressed. Leaks can be caused by missing or damaged shingles, or gaps in flashing or vent pipes.  If you notice any problems including water stains on your ceiling, it is important to address them immediately to prevent further more expensive damage.

Seal and Protect

Depending on the type of roof a homeowner may consider applying a sealant for an added layer of protection. Roof sealants should be of high quality and specifically designed for roofing. A sealant will help protect roofs from weather and water damage and in some instances may extend the life of the roof. As with any roof maintenance project Quality Roofing Pro recommends homeowners take necessary precautions when working on their roofs.

Get a Roof Inspection

Regular home maintenance is an important aspect of owning a home. Quality Roofing Pro recommends that homeowners get a roof inspection to understand the status of their roof. Roof maintenance is important for homeowners to identify any potential problems early on and prevent them from becoming more serious and costly to fix. 

To protect your roof and your future Quality Roofing Pro offers free roof inspections. Schedule your free roof inspection with a locally owned and trustworthy roofing company. Call (309) 371-4436

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