How Much Do Roofers Charge For A New Roof?

residential roofing companies in monmouth

Many homeowners may avoid looking for roof damage after a weather event for fear of the costs involved. How can a homeowner know what to anticipate in expenses when facing a roofing project? In this article from Quality Roofing Pro, our team of experts wants to share with you how much you can expect a roofer to charge you if you need a new roof.


Many factors can alter how much your roof replacement project may cost but each quote will take into account the following information:

  • Material costs like plywood, shingles and even nails can waiver depending on supply and demand and may affect your roof quote.
  • The type of home, the size of your roof, and the pitch of your roof will affect your roof quote.
  • The time of year you replace your roof can also affect your roof quote. Spring and fall are good times to schedule a roof replacement project.

How Are My Roof Costs Determined?

There are two major contributing factors to determining the cost of a residential roof project; material costs and your roof. Unfortunately, both of these are factors outside of the homeowner’s control. Yet, homeowners can be informed on some basic information protecting them from being taken advantage of during a roof replacement project. 

What Is The Average Cost For a Roof Replacement?

It is difficult to nail down the average cost of a roof replacement due to rising costs and the burden of supply and demand. For example, plywood and other supply costs may spike dramatically during hurricane season frustrating homeowners who do not live near these areas. 

Another major factor affecting the cost of a residential roof replacement includes the type of roofing material you choose. Shingles or metal roofing, premium or standard options as well as the underlayment you may need can affect your quote. Lastly, the size of your home, the square footage of your roof, as well the pitch all factor into the costs of roof replacement. 

When Is The Best Time To Replace My Roof?

While winter and spring are known to be hard on roofs due to exposure to harsh weather conditions, summer and fall are both prime opportunities for homeowners to undergo a roof replacement project. If, as the weather turns cold, you worry you may have missed the best days for roofing rest easy. Autumn is not too late to contact a roofer and ask about a home inspection.

Is Replacing My Roof A Good Investment?

Homeowners who work with a reputable roofing company can be assured the costs will be fair, the quote will be appropriate for the size and type of home and, most importantly, that value will be added to the property. Some homeowners can expect a $10,000.00 additional value added to their home because of a new roof installation making a roof replacement project a good idea to increase a home’s value. 

Where Do I Start To See If I Qualify For A New Roof?

Homeowners who are ready to understand their roof’s structure should contact a reputable residential roofing company near them and know what questions are the most important to ask before hiring a roofer. If you wonder which roofer to contact look for a local company. Any homeowner in Monmouth or the surrounding areas of Warren County or Knox County can feel confident contacting the locally-owned residential roofing company Quality Roofing Pro. Visit Quality Roofing Pro’s website to schedule a free roof inspection. You deserve to know the truth about your roof. Schedule an inspection at 309-371-4436.

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